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Discussion on coating technology of rail transit

With the development of the city, more and more cities are building rail transit, such as subway, urban rail, high-speed rail, etc. in the process of building rail transit, coating process has been an

With the development of the city, more and more cities are building rail transit, such as subway, urban rail, high-speed rail, etc. in the process of building rail transit, coating process has been an indispensable link, which greatly improves the service life and shelf life of rail transit vehicles, protects objects for a long time, prevents chemical corrosion, climate impact, chemical impact, etc. For example, in the case of acid rain, high temperature exposure and large temperature difference, they all play a very good role in protection.

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Painting line for automobile accessories
Automobile lamp spraying line
3C product spraying line
Electrophoretic coating production line
Powder coating production line
Spraying line for hardware and household appliances
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Dongguan Jinlong mechanical equipment Co., Ltd
Tel:+86-0769-2208 8551
Fax:+86-0769-2208 8552
Factory address: No.2 Xiangfu Road, quantang Industrial Zone, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
Technology Center: room 602, building A3, Songhu Zhigu R & D center, No.1 renju Road, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

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